Long Term Conditions




What we do

As your GP surgery we play a significant role in managing your long-term condition. We believe in working with you and specialists in the community to provide holistic, personal, and high-quality care.

Long term conditions or chronic diseases are conditions for which there is currently no cure, and that are managed with drugs and other treatments.

All patients with a long-term condition should have an annual review (or ‘health MOT’). The first part of this is witha health care assistant or a nurse. At this appointment we will take a blood sample, check your blood pressure, and update other health data. 

image representing Long Term Condition

A GP will review your results, looking at your medical history and medications, and consider how together we could improve your health/management of your LTC. This may include health advice, medication changes or referrals to a community service.

Your second contact with us will be to share and discuss the GP’s recommendations with you. This appointment will also be with a healthcare assistant or a nurse. If you have more than one long term condition, we aim to make this second appointment with a nurse or GP.


Due to coronavirus we had to pause our bringing patient’s in for their annual review. We restarted bringing in patients in May but with minimal contact so to minimise risk. This includes wearing personal protective equipment (PPE), increasing ventilation in the room (so keeping the door open) and keeping the appointment as short as possible.
To keep the appointment short and minimise contact we ask that you complete the ‘Long Term Conditions’ health questionnaire prior to your first appointment.

Minimising risk of coronavirus must be balanced with the risk of not looking after your health, therefore we strongly encourage you to attend if we ask.


Long Term Conditions Health Information