About Lime Tree Surgery Patient Participation Group

The Lime Tree patient group is currently a group of 7 patients that meet every 2 months to discuss services changes. The group is by invite only.

We are currently seeking new representatives that are able to represent the following demographic groups within our patient population:

  • Young person aged 18-30
  • New parent (those with a child aged under 2 years)
  • Carer (unpaid)
  • Care leaver (i.e. someone who has lived within care)
  • Neurodivergent or learning disability
  • Lived experience of a mental health condition
  • BAME
  • LGBTQ+

Further details on how to apply can be found HERE

Minutes of the previous meetings can be found below:


Alongside our patient group is the Lime Tree Charity which is a group set up to support equipment purchase for the Practice, but also to support ongoing wellbeing activities for Lime Tree Surgery patients.

Current trustees are as follows:

Ken Yeates (Chair)

Sheen Drake (Treasurer)

David Drake (Secretary)

Tom Micklewright (Trustee)